Ava Tula

Posts by this author:

the art of the flawless beat pt.3: less is more

As this end of this decade is quickly approaching (can you believe we’re about to be in the 2020s?) it is astonishing to look back and think about how the beauty industry has grown over the last decade. It appears…


the art of the flawless beat pt.2: Slowing down the hands of time

Have you ever noticed that the makeup or skincare that you’ve been using for the last five or 10 years, suddenly, just does not work for you anymore? Your face does not look as flawless or as radiant as it…


the art of the flawless beat: Pt.1

Skin is the answer. Here’s the deal, I love makeup. That’s an understatement…I live, eat, and breathe makeup artistry! It has been my truth since I ventured into the beauty industry as a Professional Makeup Artist at the tender age of 18. Over the last decade-plus of working in the industry, and now as a Master Makeup Artist, I’ve learned that as much as I love makeup, I know that in order to get the desired results, makeup really has to have a healthy canvas to be applied on. In fact, having he

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