never Settle…

Sisterfriends, Accepting the guidance to nurture healthy, loving, edifying friendships, partnerships, parenting, and self-love is mission critical.

keep moving

Sisterfriends, “I am so tired of moving!”

in Comparison

Sisterfriends, Just recently, I’ve acknowledged that I’ve been making the biggest faux pas in social media:

Enough to feed the needy

Sisterfriends, Ugh! the dreaded three words no one wants to hear: You’re too needy.

Power up

Sisterfriends, My goal in life has always been to be an independent woman. Dreams of impacting the world and making my mark.

words of Power

Sisterfriends, Grace on Grace on GRACE!, it’s what I ask for when I feel my tongue making transformer moves.

i’m back

Sisterfriends, I’m baaaaaack, in the gym that is

love at a distance

Sisterfriends, “Walking in unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die”.

Power Year

Sisterfriends, Power. The power to change. The power to overcome. The power of encouragement. The power of words.

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