throw it in the bag


If you haven’t noticed, I tend to make musical references. I speak through music, as music speaks to everyone right? 

As I was reading and meditating in my spiritual time, I came across the importance of the word whatever. Applied as an adjective its definition means; in any amount, to any extent. That caught my attention, I had to pause and meditate on the weight of that word! It is interesting, that in my last letter, I used the term to describe the lengths I was willing to go to be successful, make money, TO LIVE. It was quite fitting! But Now…

Grace revealed, demonstrates and reiterates to me the positive perspective of “whatever.” I’d like to share it with you. Philippians 4:8  advises to think, focus on, in any amount, to any extent on what is true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best! THINK about having the best in any amount! to any extent! Mindblowing right? Even more so when actually experienced! Remember that aaamazing vacation, the gourmet meal prepared with you in mind, the peace of being debt free, the joy in buying what you want, the contentment of knowing your children, parents, loved ones are taken care of.

How many times have we experienced what we thought was the best and wanted more of it? THAT’S Philippians 4:8. I’m not saying that the best is going to magically pop up. I am communicating that it starts with what we choose to think! if we choose to think the best, we believe the best, we move in positive action towards it.

Short and sweet, my meditation revealed Grace fostering the mindset that I can have as much {blessings}as I want! and Fab shouted “Just throw it in the bag!” Sissies, Let’s go on a living spree!


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