multi- Cultural design trends of 2018…

what’s Trending in 2018 in Color Design Palettes are Vivid colors. The colors you’d find in Mexico,  Spain and the Caribbean. Those rich, vibrant color contrasts can transform any home into an oasis.

In the industry of interior design, there are many facets to explore. Mixing different cultures into your decor through textures, colors, fabrics, and accessories which make design elements creatively challenging yet still lend the end result with a “wow factor”.

When consulting with a new client, I ask pertinent questions as it relates to their lifestyle. I want to know their likes and dislikes. Their style, favorite mementos, travel destinations, art, authors, color palette, and what they want their home and/or office space to look and feel like.

2018 will celebrate multi-cultures in design and decor. Sherwin Williams forecasts the color trends for the NEW YEAR encompassing three influential emotions with design, color, and textures. SINCERITY lends the idea of less is more. De-cluttering at the beginning of a new year is the best time for cleansing the design palette. Give yourself NEW ideas to pursue. Style, unfiltered and authentic, entertain colors that are rare and rich in possibility. This first design concept {Featured pic left} would be for the minimalist that would cater to a softer color palette. Pearl Gray on the walls and Sashay Sand as an accent color on the wall in the adjacent room. The accent pillows reflect a combination of Rojo Dust and Alluring White. The center seating element mimics tones of the new chroma Song Thrush, which anchors the room with balance creating tranquility. I feel it communicates a Danish design element called Hygge (Pronounced HUH-gay), life’s simple pleasures, family, and friends.

UNITY is the next color trend in design. {Featured middle picture} A time where we as a people are craving our sense of community, and optimism. Security and adventure are also established in this color scheme. Transculturalism, artisanal crafts {think French/Italian culture} come into play with these colors. Oceanside which is on the back wall, as well as bookshelves, is the number one new color 2018.  Aged White throughout the room allow the lamp bases and the large pendant light in Tatami Tan to draw attention to the pop of the Heartthrob Red table to pop. The choice of hue design envelops you and your guests in an atmosphere of peacocks and tropical isles.

This is the generation of data, Instagram and sharing every moment in real time. We’re each moving to our own rhyme and reasons. CONNECTIVITY is the high tech color palette, which includes pixelated orange, violet, digital greens and high-def yellows. California Pop/Youth Culture would be this influence of the last image, Techies, and Environmentalist. Organic Green on the open wall on the right, ceiling in the Billowy Breeze, sofa in Jay Blue, Ibis White around the walls, with Black Swan as an accent behind bookshelves, accent chairs, and double-sided fireplace. Productivity and making connections would be produced from a space like this.

Visit a Sherwin Williams Showroom or your local Home Improvement and dive into these new color trends, paint colors and transform your space into a different culture. Be adventurous, it’s a NEW SEASON!





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