Painted Heart



A letter from my painted heart…

Following up with my “In Beauty, We Unite” article I wanted to steer the conversation to something that will make you reflect on how you are buying and playing with your makeup.

With the beauty industry being one of the strongest commodities in our time, it is changing drastically. Long gone are the days of clients seeking out experts and top Professional makeup artists to get advice from. We are now in the Social Media era and it is being taken over by bloggers and #MUAs. No more do you have to spend countless hours on training, perfecting your craft and building a portfolio that you hope will get you a gig so you can feed yourself and your passion for the art.

Don’t get me wrong it is so amazing that with your phone and an app you can become an overnight sensation and get contacted by various brands to represent them and get paid money and a gift of products. However, with that comes a huge responsibility for educating the masses. For the most part, it seems as if clients no longer care if the product is good for them, only what their favorite blogger says they should use. With that, we have an industry that is being carved into a look-alike filter of art. Almost, like a great cocktail that has too much ice, it is diluted and drained of its integrity and balance. Everyone wants to be contoured, highlighted and wear a cut crease because that is what most of the internet tells you to look like. Mirror that with magazines and reality shows, it is now what most women think is how we all should apply our makeup.


For example, this week Rihanna launched her first makeup line called “Fenty Beauty”. It is packed with 40 shades of foundation that will cover fair skin to the deepest skin tones. This is so exciting because any brand that can accommodate all the faces of the globe always gets my vote. However, I was reading comments regarding the launch and the majority was praising her for finally making 40 shades of foundation and every brand should be scared and take note.

Immediately I was confused because I thought well, there is MAKE UP FOR EVER, LANCOME, KAT VON D, ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLS, BECCA, COVER FX, BLACK UP, FASHION FAIR, DERMABLEND, BOBBI BROWN, IMAN, COVER GIRL BY QUEEN, BLACK OPEL, MAC, BLACK UP, and much more. These brands have been offering massive shade ranges for decades but due to the influence of social media, most consumers don’t believe these brands created these ranges. The sad part is that while I mentioned a lot of brands that have been creating these shade ranges, there are a lot more than do not. This is why it is so important to praise and appreciate the brands that have been consistent.


The power of makeup is being able to play and create what your ideal look should be. Many talented artists have worked extremely hard to perfect their craft before the internet was even born. It is not about a perfectly placed lash, filtered skin, or how many followers you have. It is about putting on your favorite product and instantly feeling good about yourself.  It is about you saying, contour might be all the rage but when I go to Target a little lip gloss and mascara is all that I need. What does your inner voice say about your beauty; your routine and how you wear products?

Since I am from the Old school era of makeup artistry, I beg of you to go to YouTube and Instagram for inspiration but trust yourself for your education of what looks great on you and makes you feel like your best self. What does your skin type tell you need or that new jacket you bought, what do you feel like wearing on your lips to complement it?

My favorite part of makeup is knowing it comes off and I can create whatever it is that I want, not what someone tells me I should be doing. When you listen or use any product it should be connected to your inner self and the bonus it just happens to show outwardly.

So, take the time to study what you like and what makes you feel like your best self and be your best follower…

Love and Lipstick,



  1. October 3, 2017 / 3:30 pm

    This is SO good and needed. We do tend to jump on the latest without REALLY being sure. Some may even THINK they might look like the Celebrity who name is attached to the label, after using the product. I’ve never been one to jump on the bandwagon of the “latest” and “greatest.” My skin is super sensitive and won’t allow me to try it all. This was very informative, as well as all your other articles!

    It’s great to share this platform with you!

  2. Jme Mackins
    November 7, 2017 / 4:35 pm

    Hi Decelle,
    I am so late with this comment, my apologies. I am so glad you found this informative!! I always say make up is the new Diamonds and everyone is trying to get it and have their claims they are the best. We always have to follow our own mind and what we want in our routine to be our best. Thanks again!!!

  3. Karen Carter
    December 18, 2017 / 1:29 am

    No problem I understand!

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