the etiquette of branding pt.2: the body language

Last month, we have seen together with the importance of “Mastering the Manners” to be able to build a reputation of excellence for your companies. Another aspect that should not be neglected is The Body Language.


Inner beauty is more important than the outer. But because we are only humans and can only see first with our eyes, we will tend to make a judgment based on the book cover. Therefore, working on your image is crucial whether it is for your brand, your company or for yourself.

Ask yourself:

-When people see me or my employees for the first time, what do they see? Do they see respectable, reliable, helpful, confident, reachable, smiling people?

-How do I or my staff make them feel? Do they feel like they can trust me? Do I look credible? 

-Do I look like an expert in my field? Does my company look like it is in control of its business?  

-Do people feel at ease and willing to chose me over my competitors?

These questions are the reasons why it is important to be aware of the impression you and/or your employees make.


According to research, if you change your body language, you can change many things about your approach to life. You can alter your mood before going out, feel more confident at work, become more likable and be more persuasive or convincing. When you change your body language you interact differently with people around you and they, in turn, will respond differently to you.


  • Let’s start with your smile. A smile is contagious if you dare to smile to a stranger, most likely this person with responding back with a smile. If you are at a networking event and wish to speak to someone, you will have more chances to bond successfully with this person if you offer your hand for a handshake accompanied by a sincere smile. I say sincere because fake smiling is too obvious: a fake smile only uses the mouth but a sincere smile uses muscles from the mouth to the eyes. So next time you are interacting with someone new, remember to “smeyes”.


  • When talking, be expressive with your gesture but do not overdo it. It is recommended to use your hands to make your speech more alive and remember that gestures with your palms up are perceived as a sign of openness, you are expecting the other person to talk and you are ready to listen. Whether it is an employer using this technique with the staff or the staff using it with the clients, the results can only be positive. Who doesn’t like this feeling of being heard?


  • During a conversation, be both an active listener and an active talker. Use triple nods when talking and head tilt when listening. It makes the conversation more enjoyable.


  • Eye contact is important. But you have to find the balance between looking in the eyes to show respect and staring awkwardly into someone’s eyes. Lookers gain more credibility than non-lookers. It shows respect and confidence.


  • Your posture is crucial. It is one of the very first things people see. Never slouch at it can be perceived as submissive, fearful, mediocre and definitely not reliable. Make sure as an employee or even as a manager, you are never caught by the client slouch on the counter. Open the chest, stand straight when speaking and in general.


  • Personal space or “territory” is also something important everyone needs to be aware of. Stand as close as you feel comfortable. If the person moves back, don’t step forward again. You must respect other’s “personal space”.


  • Mirroring body language is something usually done unconsciously. The seating position, posture, body angle, gestures, expressions and even the tone of voice. We mirror each other’s body language as a way of bonding, being accepted and creating rapport. It makes others feel ‘at ease’ and it is a clear way for us to tell others that we like them, by simply mirroring their body language.

Make sure you stay tuned for the last article of the 3-parts series “The 3 most important Etiquette skills for business owners” next month: The Art of Conversation.


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