it’s all about the Cleanser and toners

Say hello to your beautiful skin with the right cleansers for your skin type. You don’t wash your clothes in just any detergent, You don’t wear colors that don’t look good on your sink tone. So lets make sure you…

natural Skin Care remedies

Many feel if we can’t consume it, then we shouldn’t use it and that has natural products on the rise. In this issue, we will explore a skin care regalement for normal and dry skin with items that can be…

hues of Fall

Be enraptured with the hues of fall. Fall glam is here and this season’s colors have me so inspired.

let’s Glow

Hey DVA’s Have you ever been shopping or at church and pass a lady and her cheeks look like they are glowing from another planet? Well honey, let me tell you how you can achieve this look, it’s called highlight!…

Hairstylist Fo life…choosing the right stylist for you!

Have you ever had a horrible salon experience? I know many of us have on more than one occasion.

finding the beauty in your skin

Rest assured we are all blessed with beautiful skin. The problem is

face framers: eyebrows 101

What is all this talk about brows?  Should they be permanent, faded, on fleek, threaded, waxed or microbladed?  

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