face framers: eyebrows 101

What is all this talk about brows?  Should they be permanent, faded, on fleek, threaded, waxed or microbladed?  All these options has a sister wanting to shave them off and just wear a large floppy hat instead.

Eyebrows are the most important part of our face, they frame our eye, as well as, can take off five pounds and five years if they are done correctly.

When getting your brows done no matter what method you choose it is important to do your research. This means do not let the lady at the nail shop wax you after your pedicure, Chances are they don’t understand the importance of making sure your brows are proportionate to your face shape as well as how imperative it is to keep them full and healthy as possible.

Here are some quick tips on deciding what service may be right for you….


The hottest new trend in semi-permanent brow tattoo. Before microblading, brow tattoos resembled a brow shape, however lacked the look of  real hair strokes. With microblading, you get measured to your desired shape and then with pigment, small brow like strokes are applied in the direction of the eyebrow hair growth to mimic natural looking eyebrows.  The first touch up will fall within 4-8 weeks of your first session. Costs: $500-$800 and requires yearly touch-ups. Microblading is a great option if you have little to no brow hairs.



Originating in India, the threading technique involves a thin (cotton or polyester) thread that is doubled), then twisted.  It is then rolled over areas of unwanted hair, plucking the hair at the follicle level.
Unlike tweezing, where single hairs are pulled out one at a time, threading removes short rows of hair. Threading is a great option if your eyebrows tend to grow on the thicker side but I must warn you, if you have little brow hair this grooming option could remove too much…


waxing / tweezing

Eyebrow tweezing and waxing are semi-permanent options where the hair is removed from its root. It is semi-permanent because eventually between 3 to 8 weeks, the plucked hair will return.

I use Yelp to guide me to the best destinations for personal services. Utilize it to find who does amazing brows in your area and then go get your arch on.


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