Get Your booty in Shape with this lower body workout!

It has been an extraordinarily cold month for everyone across the country. Sometimes we allow the weather to play a role in affecting our workouts.“It’s too cold, I am not going to the gym, I am taking my butt straight to the couch after work.” Trust me, I get it! That is why I created a lower body circuit that you can do from the comfort of your home! No equipment necessary. A circuit means that you will cycle through every movement once then begin the sequence from the beginning again! We will go through this cycle for 2-4 rounds depending on where you’re at in your fitness journey!


  1. Forward Lunges– Perform 10 total lunges, 5 lunges each leg. Keep your hands on your hips or behind your head. Do NOT put your hands on your knees to assist in pushing yourself back up. Go as low as you’re comfortable with!
  2. Jumping lunges– Perform 8 total lunges, 4 lunges each leg. Use your arms to help drive momentum for yourself. The objective being that you switch legs in a lunge position in the air. If this is a hard movement for you then don’t worry about getting low in the lunge position, I want to focus on getting your heart rate up. Jump as high as you can and switch legs.
  3. High Step to a Lunge– Perform 10 total lunges, 5 lunges each leg. This is very similar to the first movement of this cycle except that you will raise your leg first, like you were stepping on a high box then continue into the lunge.
  4. High Knees– Perform 12 total high knees, 6 each leg. In place, put your hands about at waist level. Drive your knee up until it hits your hand then put it back down. This is another exercise to get your heart rate up!
  5. Lateral Lunges– Perform 10 total lunges, 5 lunges each leg. The objective with a lateral lunge is to focus on one side at a time. Lunging to the right, drop your butt down towards your right leg and straighten out your left leg. Try to keep your knee from going past your toe (you should be able to still see your toe when doing these exercises). Go down as far as you’re able to, trying to reach 90 degrees!
  6. Goblet Squats– Perform 10 total squats. If you’re just starting to workout then use just body weight. Place your feet a little wider than shoulder length apart. When squatting, keep your heels down and your chest upright, don’t let your chest fall as you squat. With this squat, keep your elbows inside your knees. If this is an easy movement for you, use a dumbbell, kettlebell or random weighted object around your home!
  7. Good Mornings– Perform 5 total good mornings. Place a broom, mop or wooden stick behind your neck as if you were going to squat it. Slightly bend your knees then keep them in a fixed position. Rotating at the hip bring your lower body down to 90 degrees and then back up. You should feel this in your hamstrings (the back of your legs). Make sure that you are keeping your back as flat as possible and not rounding out your back.
  8. RDL (Romanian Deadlift)– Perform 5 total RDLs. Similar to Good Mornings, except that the wooden stick will be in front of you. Slightly bend your knees and then keep them in a fixed position. Bend at the hip, with the objective to lower the wooden stick to your mid-shin area. Keep your back straight and you should feel it in your hamstrings.


Before starting this workout, get some moving and stretching in to avoid any stiffness. Please check with your doctor of physician to make sure that you are healthy enough to perform the above exercises. Enjoy this power eight movement and get that booty in shape! ☺


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