navigating Small talk

Small talk? Yes! We all dread the thought of attending events where we don’t know anyone and have to engage with a complete stranger.  We usually default to the weather because it’s so easy. I recently attended an event where I did not know anyone except the person that invited me. I quickly found my “host” to acknowledge that I had arrived and she grabbed my hand to introduce me to her friends.  After the introduction, she fluttered off and it was up to me and the friends to pick up where she left off and engage each other.

What is your “go to” question for conversation? Is it the weather or is it asking someone what they do for a living? Let’s focus on that for a minute. I recently came across an article in INC. magazine that addressed that very question. “What do you do?” The article went on to say that people are typically judged by their occupation. The person on the receiving end of that question wants to impress you because in most cases, they know that they are being judged because they judge also.  It seems like an innocent question but leave it to someone to volunteer that information.

Here are some conversation starters that can help you out:

  1. How do you know the host/friend that introduced you?
  2. Is this your first time attending an event like this?
  3. How is the food here?
  4. What are some of your favorite things to do?
  5. Do you have any pets?
  6. Where is the most beautiful place you’ve been?
  7. What places do you recommend for vacation?
  8. What trends do you follow?
  9. What are some of the items on your bucket list?

Conversations to stay away from:

  1. Personal life
  2. Money
  3. Religion
  4. Politics
  5. Gossip and criticism
  6. Orientation

Be informed; read magazines such as The New Yorker, Business Insider or The Skimm, which is an online magazine.  Always end a conversation by letting the person know that it was a pleasure meeting them before you move on to someone else. If you are dining with a group, the person to the left and right of you should get equal convo time. Make it a goal to become a better conversationalist for 2018. You might just make some great connections along the way.


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