Vanessa White

Vanessa E. White is a certified etiquette consultant and the founder of White Glove Etiquette, LLC. She attended the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and is a graduate of The Protocol School of Washington, the leader in etiquette and protocol services and the Etiquette Leadership Institute. Vanessa's passion for the art of civilty and respect has enabled her to present etiquette and protocol programs to businesses, individuals, schools, colleges, faith-based organizations, day spas, various community centered organizations and debutante coronations.

Posts by this author:

airplane Etiquette

Vacation travel can be fun or stressful especially when you are traveling at the height of the season. Most people vacation in the summer because the children and teachers are out of school and for some, it’s the least expensive…


thank You notes

There are so many ways to say thank you for every occasion you can think of.


wedding etiquette

  Tis the season to be married! Yes, wedding season is upon us and in full swing


Restaurant Etiquette

Dining out requires codes of behavior


Cellphone Savvy

Sometimes I believe cell phones were created just to see who can talk the loudest and annoy the most people around them…


the business of Email Etiquette

  Emails… Some of us are not fans of them but we depend on them for immediate written responses, confirmation and moving our business forward at an accelerated pace.


You’re engaged…now what?!

You may have heard of some engagements this past week, including your own. 


the Power of love

The time is here! Will I say yes or no or maybe?


navigating Small talk

Small talk? Yes! We all dread the thought of attending events where we don’t know anyone and have to engage with a complete stranger.

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