airplane Etiquette

Vacation travel can be fun or stressful especially when you are traveling at the height of the season. Most people vacation in the summer because the children and teachers are out of school and for some, it’s the least expensive way to go. Because of this, being your best self can be challenging.

Here are 10 simple tips to make you travel a little easier.

  1. Consider the size of your carryon. An example of the size requirement is posted clearly at the gate.
  2. Overhead space is usually on a first come basis, however, when possible, use the overhead space over your seat. Don’t put your things in seat 12A and you are in seat 32B. That is inconsiderate.
  3. If you recline your seat, let the person behind you know in the event they have something on their tray that will spill or they may have their head against your seat.
  4. The armrests on either side belong to the person sitting in the middle seat. No one wants to sit in the middle seat and it’s the least they can have to be comfortable.
  5. Remain seated during the dining service. There is nothing more annoying to the flight attendants than to have you follow them down the aisle while they are serving and expecting them to hurry up and move out of your way.
  6. Be courteous to your fellow row mates. If you choose to sit next to the window and know that you use the bathroom frequently, maybe you should have reserved an aisle seat.
  7. Do not use the tray as a headrest. Those trays are filthy and you are prohibiting your row mate from moving past you if they need to get up.
  8. Keep your children from running in the aisles of the plane and kicking the back of the seat in front of them. It’s not cute and neither is your child when they are misbehaving.
  9. Don’t assume that the person next to you wants to talk. For some, their vacation begins when stepping on to the plane and settling down into their seat. On the other hand, if you do not wish to converse, place your headphones on or simply say that you want to take this time to get a little shut-eye.
  10. Keep your liquor intake to a minimum. This can be challenging because for some the minimum is when they are drunk and disruptive to other passengers.

All in all, I wish you safe and comfortable travels. Remember to treat your flight attendants with respect and they should treat you the same; after all, they are trained to give you the best customer service possible. Also, whether you agree or not, they are in a position of authority and can help save your life.  If you have comments or questions, please reach out to me on Instagram or at


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