what a difference a Year makes…

Well, I can’t believe it’s been a WHOLE Year since my first Article for DVA Magazine.  This year has been a (season of growth, change, and challenges).  Translation “LIFE”.  Life happens!  With that said we are ALWAYS in a state of “BEING”.  Afterall we are Human “BEINGS!”  We should strive to BECOME what we’re designed to be.

Reflecting on this past year and the Articles that I penned, I noticed something so key. Wherever I was spiritually, emotionally and physically was exemplified in my writing!  Even up to the point where life HAPPENED so much it stifled my creativity to not want to do what I LOVE to do, DESIGN!  It’s my passion, I will do it for free, (but as a career I won’t lol). Sometimes you have to take a break before you break, to gain your momentum.

The awesomeness of reflection, allows you to become grateful.  I’m grateful for this opportunity and privilege to share with all our DVAlicious Readers. I was created to CREATE.  I was designed to DESIGN. I have the capability to walk into an empty space and see what is not there and cause it to be! It’s an inner gift I was given from above. I didn’t ask, it was given to SHARE IT!

From my very first Article July 2017 about AGELESS DESIGN. Design Trends in Decor are timeless. Interior Design and the Fashion Industry walk hand in hand. In design, history repeats itself. Therefore what we saw in the 70’s with neon bright colors and patterns, look around it’s on our runways and interiors TODAY.  I shared endless design tips about being organized, updating our vanities and closets. Getting CENTERED learning the importance of having your living spaces FENG SHUI.   Designing our own destiny by being PREPARED  when it’s time to move you’re ready. Understand designing your DECOR is parallel with designing your life!

You can use the same  6 Design Principles BALANCE, PROXIMITY, ALIGNMENT, REPETITION, CONTRAST, and SPACE. Now ponder that! Also are the Elements of DesignLINE, SHAPE, DIRECTION, SIZE, TEXTURE, and COLOUR. Elements and Principles are the building blocks. Elements are the things that make up a design. The Principles are what we do to those elements.

BALANCE provides stability and structure to a design. PROXIMITY creates relationship, providing a focal point. (visually connected in some way). ALIGNMENT allows you to create order and organization. REPETITION helps create association and consistency. CONTRAST is the juxtaposition (two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect).  Opposite colors on the color wheel i.e. light/dark. SPACE the distance or area between, around, above, below or within. Important factor both positive and negative space are important factors in EVERY design.

LINE the linear marks made with a pen, brush or the edge created when two shapes meet. SHAPE is a self-contained defined area of geometric (squares and circles). A positive shape automatically creates a negative shape. DIRECTION all lines have it – horizontal, vertical or oblique. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability, and tranquility. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality, and alertness. Oblique suggests movement and action. SIZE is simple the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to another. TEXTURE is the surface quality of a shape – rough, smooth, soft, hard or glossy. COLOUR is light reflected off objects. It has three main characteristics: hue or its name; value (how light or dark it is) and intensity (how bright or dull it is).

You may be wondering, DeCelle why are these Principles and Elements so important in Design? Excellent question! Interior Designers can’t design a space without these principles either can you! Try designing your life around these principles, watch how you CREATE beauty in your home and life!

Happy Anniversary DVA MAG! I’m so excited about where we are going and growing! We’re turning the tables and allowing our Readers to SHARE with us your Design ideas and Trends. I want to know what DIY Projects you’re working on, and if you were to hire a Professional (like myself), what are some insider tips you want to know?  Your DVA Home Stylist is ready to hear from you!








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