let’s get Centered – design basics with Feng Shui

What is Being Centered?

The Yin and Yang theory and principle is a fundamental concept in Chinese Philosophy and culture dating from the third century. This principle is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites for example female-male, dark-light and old-young. (According to Ancient History Encyclopedia)

Yin and Yang meaning and symbol represents the belief that everything in the universe consists of two forces that are opposing but complementary. The point to this concept is that it promotes being centered and being balanced. These systematics should reflect in your home decor.  Unity and Harmony should be the goal in your home. After a stressful day, you want to end it coming home to a peaceful sanctuary.

These Feng Shui pictures describe some fundamentals of Feng Shui practice.

The Bagua or Pakua is the feng shui energy map of any space. As you study this picture, it reveals the meaning for each color which coincides with the five elements: fire, water, wood, earth and metal. Cardinal directions are important in Feng Shui in relation to North, South, East and West.

This picture shows how energy should flow in your home. Based on the elements and colors and where you place them will bring those things to you. The south east area in your home is the wealth, prosperity and the self-worth side. The Feng Shui element is Earth, Decor Element would be wood. You may choose a wooden frame in wall art that would suffice, as well as, the colors purple, green and gold in accessories preferably. Yet some may want to step out of the box with bold color furnishings. When staging a home to sell or just to update I try to follow these concepts in the design.

If you are making changes to your home or hiring a professional to assist, ensure that you apply the feng shui principles and you will notice the change in your own energy, as well as, the energy in your home.

Here’s what you can try immediately!

Feng Shui Design Tip #1

~Lighten your load – by removing all the clutter, any unwanted items or things you no longer love. This is essential in creating unity and harmony in your home or office. This allows energy to flow freely. It will feel like a cool breeze on a hot summer night!

Feng Shui Design Tip #2

~Allow the light to shine – In the areas of your home or office where there is natural light, allow it to come through. Good air is also essential. Air quality can come with humidifiers to keep a light moisture around. Also the right plant can eliminate toxins in the air.

Feng Shui Design Tip #3

~Learn the basics of the five elements in Feng Shui: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood because these all create balance! Here’s an important detail in knowing and understanding these elements. When defining them as a decor item, the color of the item will be used first, then shape followed by the material it is made of. Using the five elements along with Feng Shui cures what you achieve is a beautiful harmonious home to enjoy.

I hope this has piqued your interest in Feng Shui design!  I’m sure this will be an ongoing discussion. I’m up for it! email me at decor@DVAMag.com

Let’s get focused and centered! #fengshui


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